Tag Archive | Spiritual

The Full Blood Moon Eclipse of January 2019

The Full Blood Moon

Yes We’ve Covered That

The January 21 total lunar eclipse will be the last one until May 2021, and the last one visible from the United States until 2022. But this full moon is also a “Super Blood Moon” and a lunar eclipse, which makes this month’s full moon so special.

The partial stage of the lunar eclipse begins at 10:34 p.m. EST Sunday night (0334 GMT Monday morning) with the total eclipse beginning at 11:41 p.m. EST (0441 GMT Monday morning). Totality lasts for about an hour, and then the moon will exit. – Read more at Space.com

We’ve covered Full moons, blood moons and even lunar eclipses here on Reflections. So at the risk to not be redundant,  here’s a few links that you might like to peruse as you search for information about this special moon.

May you all have a wonderful Full moon celebration and ritual.

© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2019 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Yule Time Begins

It’s That Time of Year Again

The winter solstice, also known as midwinter, is an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year. It occurs when one of the Earth’s poles has its maximum tilt away from the Sun. It happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the solstice occurs on December 21st and marks the start of the Winter holiday for Pagans. The Solstice is known as Midwinter, Yule for Pagans, the Longest Night, and Jól for the Norse.

Yule for Pagans, is a 12 day celebration that honors the Goddess in all 3 of her forms, Maiden, Mother, and Crone. And the rebirth of the God, in the form of the Sun. Each one of these representations of the Divine is honored and observed for a 3 day period beginning with the Maiden. The Mother Goddess comes next, followed by the Sun God, and ending with the Crone. 

This year of 2018, Pagans will also enjoy a special occurrence of a Full Moon (read more at Space.com) AND a meteor shower during the Yuletide celebrations. The Ursid meteor shower is active each year around the December solstice. This year’s peak morning is probably December 22. Even under the full moon light, you should be able to see a little bit of the meteors. So if you’re up before sunrise, look up and check it out. (read more at EarthSky.org). Continue reading

The “Christmas” Tree In The Pagan World


Merry Yuletide

Winter Solstice/Yuletide Decorations

Every year, at this time of the winter season, people around the world set out decorations for the holiday season. And like many different times of the year, some people begin to make comparisons between Christian holidays and Pagan feasts and festivals.

The Winter Solstice/Yuletide festival and Christmas are one such comparisons. For sure there are a lot of cross over symbology between these Pagan celebrations and the Christian Christmas. But you might be surprised that the Christmas Tree is not one of these.

The following is an excerpt from The History of Yule:

The “Christmas” Tree
The Christmas tree tradition does not come from Pagans as many believe. Some people believe the Christmas tree comes from a story of Odin hanging from Yggdrasil in order to learn about the Norse Runes. Continue reading

Thanks To Our Veterans


Thank You For Your Service

To all veterans Past, Present and Future.
From far away, to here at home.
On active duty or duty served.
We honor your courage and sacrifice.
We extend our gratitude for your commitment.
As we share our thanks and gratitude,
for the freedom you have protected.
Spring © 2014


© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2018 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

U.S. Counties Want To Move Halloween

Image from: Megan Granata Upsetting Witches

It happens every year. Some County official somewhere in the U.S., wants to move the observance of Halloween for little Trick-or-Treaters and I suddenly get hundreds of emails from practicing Witches about how this angers them to no end. Litterally, beginning around October 1st, I start receiving emails. By the end of the month I’ve received over 200 when all is said and done.

This year, I’m up to 167 so far. with less than a week to go. Hopefully that means word is getting out. But the general sentiment is often the same,  “What right do these people have to move OUR holiday!” Here’s my question in response, Why are you upset, Halloween IS NOT our holiday?

Whether you use the Gaelic pronunciation “Sow-en”, “Sow-ween”, “Sah-ween” or the Americanized version “Sam-hain” (yes that is an acceptable pronunciation), Samhain is still the biggest holiday on the Pagan Calendar.

Samhain is a Gaelic word, and it translates to “Summer’s End”. It marks the end of the growing season and the transition into Winter. It also marks the Celtic New Year and it is observed with both reverence and of course a big party celebration. Continue reading

Defining What You Believe

What Do I Believe?
A Student’s 1st Assignment

Before you can begin your spiritual journey; what ever that journey is, you have to know where you’re starting from. What do you believe and how does it relate to your spiritual path? Are you looking for a spiritual path, but don’t know which one fits your current beliefs? How are you going to assess where you are today with where you want to be, or where you’ve come from, if you don’t know what you believe today.

It’s easy to sit down and answer questions off the top of your head when talking with someone about what you believe. You jump from topic to topic and you may not even realize how the subjects are interconnected. You can give one description today and two weeks from now, you’ll have a slightly different description. And you won’t even realize you’ve altered your view or perception.

If you take on this assignment, you’ll see how much that ‘easy to answer’ scenario changes. When you’re writing those answers down, putting thought to paper you are forcing yourself to really think about what you believe. You’ll begin writing an answer to a question you were sure you knew, only to discover that you may not be so sure about it after all. It also forces you to connect the dots. You’ll find that as you’re writing an answer to one question, that might contradict your response to another previous question. And suddenly you have to re-think an entire subject. Continue reading

It’s the 2nd Friday the 13th For 2018

Thirteen On Springwolf ReflectionsDo You Know The Origins of Friday the 13th?

Once again it’s another 13th day that lands on a Friday. Once again, news organizations are publishing articles about where the day came from and who started it. And once again, their general line is “no one knows where it started”. Yeah, um…No. What they mean is, they don’t want to look at Pagan History and find yet another thing they observe that’s based on Pagan beliefs and practices.

We know where the day came from. We know generally when it started. And we know it is NOT based in Christian lore concerning the Knights Templar.

If you’re interested in the Pagan History of this day, you’ll have to turn to indo-European pagans. And the persecution of an old peaceful religion.
History of Friday the 13th – It’s a good day for Pagans.

Artist Unknown

Oh, and I forgot. This Friday the 13th falls in the range of the New Moon celebrations. You might want to include a little Moon Magik in your celebrations. This holiday for Pagans is all about good luck and receiving blessings from the Divine (who or whatever that is to you). The New Moon phase is best used for personal growth, healing and blessing of new projects or ventures. A great time to share that energy with the good luck of the 13th. It’s also a good time to cleanse and consecrate new tools and objects you wish to use during rituals, ceremonies or an up coming festival.

May you all have a blessed and wonderful day.




© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2018 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Deciphering The Ailment Message

Tribal Alpha Wolf Colored by Springwolf

How You Think Creates How You Feel

Our own thought patterns effect the health of our body. Each emotional thought pattern is really an underlying “cause” of a physical illness. Understanding the illness can help you address the cause and thereby riding the body of the disease. How you think, literally creates how you feel.

There are many books on the market that describe this system of belief and understanding, but in my opinion, one of the best books on the market for healers is called “Heal Your Body” by Louise Hay, from Hay House Publishing. Ms. Hay created one of, if not the definitive source for emotional causes, their corresponding illness and a metaphysical affirmation to help the individual deal with the originating cause for illnesses.

One way to help bring about change in your life it so focus on replacing negative thinking with positive thinking through affirmations. Affirmations are a way of reprogramming the subconscious to think differently and to automatically react in a more positive way when trigger situations occur in your life.

Understanding the cause is not the cure for an ailment. And this metaphysical/shamanistic approach should be used as a support and in conjunction with traditional approaches to medical evaluations and treatment by your doctor. It doesn’t replace modern medicine. Continue reading

Stop Mixing Mysticism with Science!

Merlin's Blood Moon by Springwolf 🐾

Merlin’s Blood Moon by Springwolf 🐾


I wish these mainstream media people would stop mixing mysticism with science. If you’re going to mix spiritual mysticism with scientific explanation, you should at least get the mysticism part right.

Early Pagans coined the phrase “Blood Moon” to signify the full moon phases of the Fall Harvest. Every full moon during the harvest season was once known as the Blood Moon and it has nothing to do with the color of the Moon.

Over time, that monthly harvest celebration evolved to become the Full Moon nearest the Autumn Equinox or the first full moon of the autumn harvest, also known as the Harvest Moon. For most Pagans, that Full Harvest Moon occurs in September or October, if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere. Continue reading

Moon Magik

Mystic Moon Wallpaper by WPNature

The Esbats: Working With The Moon Phases

In the world of Pagan Metaphysics, we call the observance of the Moon, Esbat days, or Ritual days. These phases are where we combine the energy of the Divine Goddess, in this case in the form of Grandmother Moon, with your own energy, for magikal working.

Every magikal practitioner should know which days to work with the Moon and which days to take off. Which Moon phases are best for what kind of casting and which are for rest.

These guidelines are not cast in stone and certainly if you have a friend in dire need of healing, you don’t need to wait until the next Waxing Moon to conduct a ritual. But for some of the best results, here are a few guidelines, interesting tid-bits, and helpful hints to keep in mind.

Picture the movement of the moon in terms of a clock whose hands are moving backward. The moon rests on the clock’s hour hand, Earth sits at the clock’s center. While the sun shines far off in the direction of 12 o’clock. As the moon orbits counterclockwise around Earth, its position relative to the sun and Earth changes, giving us the varied phases of the moon. Each phase of the moon lasts approximately 5 days.

Not everyone observes all 5 days as Magikal Working days. Some cultures recognize 3 days, the day before the pinnacle of the phase, the day of pinnacle and the day after. In other words, the day before a Full Moon, the day of the Full Moon and the day after. While other culture only recognize the day of the event. I’m partial to the 3 day concept. It lines up with the idea that magik is practiced in whole, as a union between the physical world and spiritual world. A better way to think of this would be in the Divine Conscious state of Mind, Body and Spirit. Continue reading