
Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Three of Pentacles – Inverted

3 of Pentacles - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

There’s a patchwork of emotions swirling about you today. Stop focusing on the lack and pay attention to the blessings in your life. There’s no reason to reach beneath you or lower your self-worth because you don’t have everything you want. That’s crazy talk. Ignore the whispers and go about your day with joy in your heart.

Additional Insight:

To many people put their value in what they “have”, instead of who they are. What you have doesn’t make a person’s character. It only provides more stuff to clean and dust or clutter up your life. During this time of year, the stress and anxiety can get to anyone. IF you allow it to. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to make things perfect. It’s really not worth it. So just STOP.

Today is a good day to pay attention to the non-material blessings. A day to live in the moment, keep your thoughts in check and to be Mindful. What you have right now is so much more important than “things”. The grass is always greener on the other side. Don’t you think your time is better spent in your own yard, where you can spread your wings and feel the spirit of Mother Nature all around you? Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Ten of Wands

10 of Wands

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Don’t get too tied up in the details, it’s liable to bog you down. But don’t worry too much, there’s someone there to help you get out of the situation. You’ll be able to move and enjoy some freedom, before the day is over. 

Additional Insight:

You don’t have to go it alone or struggle over an issue by yourself. Stop thinking that everything is on your shoulders alone. Everyone has a part to play and there’s plenty of people to share the labor. All it takes is a little coordination and you’ll get through the details.

For today, keep you head in the game and don’t panic. You’ll only make things worse. So make sure you stop, take a deep breath and relax. The stress will only divert your attention from the task at hand. Keep your anger and frustration in check so you can think through the situation and untangle the problem. Even if it’s a lot of little problems, you’ll find a way out. Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Stay in budget this week. Money doesn’t grow on trees and you have enough to bring joy and happiness to your fold. Don’t allow others to push your buttons and use guilt trips to go beyond your means. They’re not the one who will deal with the consequences.

Additional Insight:

Remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can. And right now, that’s good enough. You have a budget, you’ve made a plan, now stick to it. Others closer to home, are depending on you. The people who truly care about you, won’t push you into doing something you don’t want to do. Those that will try emotional manipulation, aren’t interested in you, they’re interested in what they get out of deal. Some only care to appear more important than they actually are.

Be cautious of those who offer aid. Make sure they’re not asking for something you don’t want to give in return. Not everyone has your best interests at heart. So watch out for the thorns that may come along with an unexpected gift. You don’t need to compromise your values, morals or beliefs. Nor should you fall for the attempts to shame you into reciprocating. Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: The Lovers

The Lovers

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Be careful with your reputation, you don’t want to be branded as a snake. Your word must be your bond, full of honesty and infused with integrity. Do what you say, and keep your promises. Your character can be a benefit to your life, if you treat it with respect and reverence.

Additional Insight:

Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
Or don’t say anything at all.
~ Springwolf 🐾 © 2000

Twisting the truth to fit your narrative shows a lack of integrity and defines your character as a manipulator. Having the reputation of a snake will impact all your relationships, personal and professional. It may work briefly. But such actions will catch up to you and make it harder to win friends and influence people. Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Knight of Swords

Knight Of Swords

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Rest, but stay vigilant. Keep your eyes on the details, as well as, the entire landscape. A shift in movement is occurring and you need to be aware of those changes. If only to plan your next move for the weekend or coming week.

Additional Insight:

There’s no need to continue fighting, you’ve taken on the latest challenge and won. But that doesn’t mean you can sit back and rest on your laurels. You still need to keep up the effort to move forward and not become stagnate or complacent. Doing so could hand the momentum back to the forces trying to hold you back or cancel out all the ground you’ve gained.

You have earned the right to feel confident. Allow that feeling to bring you a little peace through the rest of the week. But stay ready to pick up your banner again next week. There’s still much to do.

The Raven tells us we’re going through a metamorphosis and change dominates the terrain. But we must continue to look through the fog and see what’s really going on before us. We must attain clarity in our vision. What we see, hear and think may not be the truth or what’s really going on behind the scenes. There’s a difference in what we want to see, what we’re willing to hear and the truth. Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

The prize has been won. Healing can now begin in earnest. But don’t give away your heart just yet. There’s still deception in play that can bring the rug out from underneath your feet. Remove the rose-colored glasses and listen to your instincts.

Additional Insight:

Something isn’t right today and you already feel it. Don’t try to talk yourself into ignore your gut feelings. Just because someone is being nice and trying to make amends, doesn’t mean they’ve changed or they’ve abandoned their plans to cause harm.

It’s ok to want to think the best of people and have a positive compassionate attitude. But it must be balanced with a measure of caution and real honesty from within. Those rose glasses you’re wearing have gotten you into trouble in the past. Why do you think your instincts are less valid than others around you? Stop it! And listen to that gut feeling. Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Four of Pentacles

4 of Pentacles

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

It’s a day for abundance. Making deals, sharing the wealth and being content that everything is in order. You will need to keep an eye on things. As something is trying to pinch a few pounds from your baskets. So it’s also a good day to remember that not everyone has it as good as you. Be kind and show compassion to those less fortunate.

Additional Insight:

For most people the last number of years have been tough. But many were able to persevere and struggle through the hardships. We’ve lost a lot, but we’ve also gained a great deal in the form of spiritual lessons as well. That often doesn’t help the healing process for all we had to let go of, but somewhere within, we know we’ve moved forward on our path.

The Four of Pentacles lets us know we’ve come full circle and things are improving. We can’t throw caution to the wind. And we do have to be engaged in our future, no longer leaving it to others to determine our fate. There are still those out there, who want to take what we have out of desperation or worse, out of greed. Don’t turn your back and hope everything works out in your favor. Those days are over. Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Seven of Swords

7 of Swords

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Nurture your spirit with strength and respect for all those around you. Don’t judge a book, person or situation by it’s cover. The truth is on the inside and in the details. Make sure you employ critical thinking when confronted with all situations and you’ll be able to find your way out of the negative actions of the crowd.

Additional Insight:

Swords represent Strength & Weakness, Endurance & Struggle, Respect & Animosity.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the emotions of the crowd. It can be easy to allow others to manipulate your feelings, especially if it relates to something you’re passionate about. But inflammatory headlines or information designed to solicit knee jerk reactions often don’t tell the truth or purposefully twist facts to attain a specific and often undermining response. Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

It’s a magikal day, so don’t waste time. Contemplate on the successes you’ve had this year. You’ve accomplished a lot more than you’re giving yourself credit for. Enjoy it. And take a little time to be confident and allow your experience to take control of any bump in the road.

Additional Insight:

Euphoria is in the air today. Don’t let it slip by with being blue. Make the choice to be happy and feel blessed. Your garden is in bloom, and you can take a little time to rest and relax. Look into your crystal ball and let your mind wander in dream and vision. Even if it’s only for 5 minutes. The only one putting stress and strain on your day, is you.

When you’re calm, work on the tasks you have on your plate. But don’t let deadlines rush you into anxiety again. You’ll get more done by being calm and allowing yourself to think about the here and now. If you’re constantly worried about tomorrow, you’ll divert your attention from what needs to be done today.

Live in the moment.
Worrying about tomorrow diverts your attention from today.
~ Springwolf 11/2012 Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Abundance is all around you. Stop focusing on the lack and see the blessings that are right in front of you. Financial abundance is helpful and necessary to some degree. But it means nothing if you have no one to share it with. Make sure you give quality time to what really matters in your life.

Additional Insight:

It’s hard struggling from day to day and it can drag you down into a cloud of negativity. No one likes to be the person who has to always say “No”, when someone else asks for something. The burden is on the person who takes care of the books. If that’s not you, count your blessings that you’re not the one everyone else gets angry with.

Abundance comes in many forms within the Divine Universe. Be Mindful of what you’re creating within your domain. Love, family, friends, health, along with those material necessities are just as important as the financial abundance many focus on. Remember how we think creates our day and draws the same thoughts into our lives. If you focus on lack, that’s all you will find in your day. Time to change your thinking. Continue reading