
Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Death – Inverted

Death Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

It’s the end of the year and time to make way for new beginnings. Don’t spend time trying to keep one foot in the past. You will only continue the struggles. Lift your feet and allow yourself to fall out of the negative flow of energy that’s been hovering around like a thick mist. The air is much clearer beneath the surface.

Additional Insight:

It’s only when we go within and look through our spiritual eyes that we can see clearly what’s really around us. Drop the luggage that holds all the anger, blame and accusations from the past. Release the chains that are holding you in the fog where you cannot see what’s coming at you.

You are the one creating the darkness before you. And you are the only one who can put it to rest and trust your instincts. Stop listening to the negative voices around you. The ones that feed your fear and anxiety. Trust that your connection with the Divine has you exactly where you need to be at this time and place in your life.

Spend this evening in quiet meditation, alone or as a family. Regardless of the beliefs of others; ask those who are close to you and love to do this quick exercise with you. Close your eyes, take in 3 deep cleansing breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. As you do, imagine the white light of positive creation to come in through your nose and collect within your heart. See it push out the negative dark smoke from your body as you exhale through your mouth. Say a brief prayer outloud for everyone in your gathering – We release the negativity, anger and hatred of the past. We forgive those who helped to take away our sense of security and safety. We let go of the fear and turn toward the positive road with clarity and excitement. We bring Divine blessings to our path, here and now. And so it is.


This is our last drawing for 2012.

Merry Solstice and Happy Holidays to one and all. May the GreatSpirits shine brightly upon your path to ease your heart and soul. You are blessed and loved.


© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: The Priest

The Priest

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Put on a brave face today and not only will you fool others, but you’ll fool yourself into a good mood as well. Turn your day around from stress and sorrow to relief and glee. It will inspire others, and start the energy to recovery for yourself as well. Allow the healing to start with you.

Additional Insight:

How you view yourself and feel within defines the energy that surrounds you during the day. Allow yourself to be overwhelmed with sorrow and anxiety and you allow depression to fill your day. Perhaps even your life. We don’t always know why things happen the way they do, why bad things happen to good people is a mystery. But how we deal with adversity sets up the next chapter we face in life.

You are the spiritual leader on your own path through life. Allow your inner spirit to guide you through troubled times as you do through times of celebration. There is a time to mourn and heal, and time to let it go and trust that you are being guided to where you need to be. There are much bigger lessons in play today and how you face them will define the rest of your life.

Don’t allow the monsters in the shadows to win this battle. Don’t allow them to change the good person within you. Instead, close your eyes ask the Divine in your life to give you the strength to take the next steps forward to control your own destiny into the light of healing, joy and peaceful security.


Things will not change by osmosis. It will take effort on your part. If you’re struggling and filled with anxiety or sorrow, take a little time to read Meditation, Energy and Action. Put your beliefs and your strengths into practice and manifest the day you want to have.

© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Nine of Cups – Inverted

9 of Cups - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Don’t allow adversity to pull you away from those who are closest to you. It’s not their fault things have happened the way they have. So why are you taking your anger out on them? Now more than ever you should be leaning on each other and helping each other find the strength to endure, improvise, adapt and overcome!

Additional Insight:

Stress and anxiety can be overwhelming in anyone’s life. But can put extra unnecessary burdens on relationships as well. It can develop an atmosphere of “us against them” or “me against everyone else” which includes those closest to you.

The challenges in life are not created by one person inside a bubble. Everyone of us has a responsibility to the issues in our lives. We made choices, perhaps years ago, that have come into manifestation today. Thus we are equally responsible for the events that land on our path regardless of what someone has or has not done.

Don’t blame someone else who you’ve been close to for your struggles. Take on the shared responsibility and face the issues as a united front. You will find someone to lean on when you need help standing up for another day. Tomorrow you can be there for them when they need propping up.

Respect for each other will keep your love and compassion alive and working together instead of fighting within the ranks and destroying your world at every angle and every turn. It doesn’t matter if your partner is a spouse, family member or your personal relationship with the Divine in your life.

Use your energies to support and heal within, and you will find the strength to endure, the creative innovation to overcome and the wisdom to succeed. Align your energies for the united good of all and you will obtain the peace, security and happiness you deserve.

Remember to put your beliefs into practice: 5 Minute Alignment Meditation – connect to the Divine in your life for strength, insight and the creative energy to overcome any issue you face.

© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Knight of Pentacles – Inverted

Knight Of Pentacles - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

It’s easy to become weary from battles and want to pull away from everything and everyone. But others depend on you and need you to persevere. You asked to be the warrior and protector; now is the time to stand up in that role and be what you’ve wanted to be. You are stronger than you think you are. So don’t give up and run away.

Additional Insight:

You have overcome so much in your life already. This struggle is difficult, but it’s not the first time you’ve faced hardship and worry. What you have learned from the past challenges in your life will serve you to get through this one. It only takes one step at a time to move forward and keep from falling back.

Don’t wait on others to push you forward. It’s not their ob to hold themselves up and you too. They are just as wore out and tired as you are. You can’t ask them to more than they have left. After all they have been on the front lines fighting the adversaries head on while you’ve been behind the scenes working away in hiding.

Now it’s time to let them step back while you take the point. You may not want to, you may think you don’t have it in you to succeed. But you do. You have more skill and knowledge than you give yourself credit for and you have the strength to carry it through. You really can do this and be the hero those around you need you to be.

© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Strength


Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Find Strength in the compassion and love around you. Allow healing to begin from within. Don’t push others away and try to walk this road alone. It’s too easy to become lost and give up. It’s to easy to fall into the darkness and become consumed by despair. It’s hard to remember that you’re not the only one hurting. But try to share the compassion you receive. Others need it too.

Additional Insight:

I’m surprised by this card today, yet it’s so appropriate on so many levels. There are many who are facing trials both great and small today. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and stressed out by hardships no matter what they are. What you think is a trivial thing could be the very last straw dropped on someone’s back and they can no longer carry all the weight that built up over the last few days, months or even years.

In those times of struggle we need to be there for each other. We need to listen and share in the compassion and love around us. There’s something to be said for sharing the tears of pain and helping each other through the darkness of sorrow.

Yes some struggles are more dire than others. Some run deeper and some hit the very essence of our soul. But all deserve kindness, support and consideration. Whither it be spending an extra moment of your time to help someone in need, giving a hug to lift someone up or reassuring someone close to you that you’re there by their side to lean on, all acts of compassion can ease someone’s spirit. And it can even help ease your own.

Let them cry, let them scream, hold their hand and endure or share the release of emotion. Could be they’ll be there for you one day. Helping you to stand and not runaway into the depths of the darkness and solitude.

© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Seven of Wands

7 of Wands

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Let the past go. You’ve done all you can and it’s time to move forward. It is what it is for a reason. You may not see it now, but it will become clear in 7 cycles. If you continue to fight for the past, you will prolong the sorrow. Change isn’t easy, but at this time; it is necessary.

Additional Insight:

Haven’t you struggled enough? You’ve been fighting the changes around you and trying to hold onto the old patterns for long enough. The Divine Universe has tried to show you the way to the path you should be taking, but you keep looking behind you. What has been is gone. Put it to rest and let it go.

You’ve mourned, you’ve become angry and you’ve struggled. Now turn all that energy toward what lies ahead and welcome the changes. Spread your wings and take the journey with excitement and joyful anticipation. You’ll be glad you did. And you’ll find yourself in a much happier and better place.

Allow all efforts you’ve made to change, to work its magik and manifest from Divine Creation. Let the wands wave and the inspiration of your spirit take you in the needed direction! You may just find, it’s not only where you need to go, but where you want to be as well.

© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

2012 Tarot Meditation Drawings

Our last drawing for 2012 will be Friday, December 21. 

We wish everyone a wonderful, happy and joyful Holiday Season!

Merry Yule To One And All!

Merry Yule To One And All!

I began the daily drawing insights here on Springwolf Reflections on February 1, 2012. You can see all the insights for the 2012 Tarot Meditation.

Or you can view all the drawings for 2012, as well as past years on Spring’s Haven Tarot Meditation Archive.

© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Nine of Pentacles – Inverted

9 of Pentacles - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Don’t splurge. Sit on what you have. The real important possessions are held in those you are closest to. It’s not in the material things you’d like to have. Those possessions won’t comfort you when you’re down, they won’t hug you when you need love and they won’t celebrate with you when you rise above the struggles. Focus on the quality of time together. The the quantity of “things”.

Additional Insight:

Our society is focused too much on what you have in the material world and not what you have within your spiritual world. Many people can’t afford to celebrate the holidays with giant presents under a tree, if they have a tree at all. The Cosmic shift in energy that’s occurring is helping to remind us of what’s really important. You can fight it and be left behind. Or you can allow the change to guide your steps and change your view.

Instead of being upset that you don’t have the latest gadget to spend time away from you family. Get out a game board and spend time WITH your family. Laugh together, share stories and memories. Go outside and walk in the woods. Point out the little things in nature that you’ve been missing all this time and remember what life is really about.

The love and compassion you share between each other is the real focus of the cosmic shift. Survival of the most spiritual isn’t about what you can buy, how big your house is, or how fancy your car is. It’s about how you relate to those in the world around you. Do you see them? Or can’t you see past the screen on you pc, tablet or smart phone. How many times have your kids said “Mom”/”Dad” and you ignore them because you’re focused on the next text message, or Tweet, or story notification on your phone?

Your survival depends on you. Not on whither or not you picked up and shared the latest bogus internet story. So disconnect and focus on the eyes of your child, the smile of your partner, or the love from your parents, siblings or best friend. These are the signs of abundance. Enjoy them.

© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Three of Wands – Inverted

Three Of Wands - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Read the fine print today. The devil really is in the details. Remember if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. If you can, avoid signing contracts today. Give yourself time to read them over and look at what you’re getting into. Don’t let desperation lead you into a bigger hole.

Additional Insight:

Sadly the world is not filled with compassionate businesses. Be careful the deal you’re handed is benefiting you equally as it is for the person making the offer. Sadly some will try to use your stress and anxiety to turn a phrase that sounds great for you, but in the end gives them the upper hand and chance to take something away from you. Maybe even something you thought you saved.

Asking for help isn’t easy. In fact, It’s Hard…Asking for Help. But let those who are choosing to give you help, burden you with guilt. They have a choice to help or not. No one has twisted their arm or held a gun to their head. So if they help you, it’s their choice to do so. Be gracious, say thank you and show your appreciation. But don’t take on additional burdens simply because they want you to feel deeply indebted to them, or to have some power over you.

For today, simply watch your back. Take your time. Don’t rush into anything. Don’t let others pressure you into the deal by saying it won’t be here tomorrow. If it’s meant for you, it WILL be there tomorrow. Trust in your instincts and that the Divine in your life really IS working on your side. Even if no one else is.

© Springwolfs Hanko

 © 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Knave of Cups – Inverted

Knave of Cups - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Hold steady today and allow the Divine energy around you to cushion your path. You’ve had enough hard knocks. The Divine in your life is guiding your path upward though you may not see it or feel it right now. Don’t make rash decisions or give up on your options. It will be ok.

Additional Insight:

You have a lot going for you under the table, even though you can’t see it. Allow the positive energy you’ve put forth all year to create the path you are to be on. What you “need” and what you “want” may not be the same thing. But you are being guided to a better place and to a place that needs you as much as you need to be there.

You done your work and put forth your dreams and desires. Now stay the course and allow that energy and effort to manifest as it’s intended. Giving up, changing direction or tossing it all away because it’s not working out as quickly as you want it to will only set forth blocks in your path.

It’s not a time to do nothing. Don’t sit there and expect things to appear out of no where. You still need to move forward with the plans you’ve been working on. So make the phone calls, keep the appointments, meet the deadlines you set. But don’t work against those things out of frustration or a defeated attitude.

Hold still for a moment. Take in a deep breath and release the stress. See the success of your path being showered with yellow rose pedals to celebrate your success! Visualize it. Feel it. Know it. And it will be.

If you need additional focus, don’t forget the 5 Minute Alignment Meditation practice. You can do that meditation every morning to set your day on the right path and gain guidance for where you need to be and the direction you need to go through out the day.

© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.