
Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: King of Swords


King of Swords

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Don’t be afraid to show your strength of heart and compassion. Simply because others don’t agree with your views and you’re surrounded by opponents don’t “pretend” to fit in. The King rules over his domain without needing approval from others to set his policy and act upon his own beliefs. It’s ok for others to have different views and to hold different and even inaccurate reasons for their views. You don’t want others tell you what to think, don’t tell them what they have to think. But please, Do think for yourself!

Additional Insight:

Even though others are relying on old perspectives, ill-informed information, or unreliable sources to form their opinions; that doesn’t mean you have to. You have as much right to think for yourself and form your own view as anyone else. Don’t be afraid to allow your compassion to shine.

Make sure you review situations before you get involved in their arguments however. Don’t simply jump in and wage a battle that doesn’t need to be fought. Some are impossible to budge and you’ll have better luck arguing with a stone. Know when to speak up and when to simply walk away. Discernment is a key characteristic of any King..or Queen.

Take time to research your position and study your opponent’s position before you engage in debate. Knowing your enemy better than they know themselves is the best weapon you can have to end their attack. Those you maybe going up against aren’t as educated as they make themselves out to be. Blind faith isn’t a strong position to fight from.

But remember you don’t have to be cruel, angry or emotional to win a debate. It’s not the person who yells the loudest or gets the most angry that wins. It’s the one who lives by their principles and becomes a shining example of their position with compassion, calmness and doesn’t take attacks from others as bait. Don’t allow them to control your reactions or your arguments in the discussion. Facts will always out weigh emotional diatribes every time.

This is our last daily tarot meditation drawing for 2013. We hope everyone has a wonderful, happy and peaceful holiday season. Many Blessings and Happy New Year! We’ll be back on January 6th 2014.

You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Eight of Pentacles – Inverted

Eight Of Pentacles - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Protect what’s important to you and show you care. That’s what makes a house into a home. It’s not how big it is, or how well it’s furnished. Those material things have nothing to do with being “home”. It’s the little things you do for each other to celebrate the small victories. Because the big ones done come around very often.

Additional Insight:

You’re the one who makes a house into a home by caring for each other and living within its walls. Do some clearing, cleansing and set some shields for protection. Do the little repairs to keep it safe and secure. Take a little time to do some cleaning. And when there are celebrations to be had, do a little decorating. Even if all you’re doing is sticking a ribbon and bow onto an entry way, it’s a small way to show the energy you have inside.

The big things in life don’t come along that often to remind us what’s important in our little piece of the world. It’s the little things we take note of and celebrate that remind us of the steps we take forward and joy we have in our every day life. It’s the little things you do for the ones you love and for yourself that create happiness and contentment within yourself.

It’s not the trappings of crystal chandeliers, fine china or linen table cloths that make a celebration meal special. It’s the moments we share with those we love, the laughter and little conversations that matter the most. Even if the one you’re sharing it with has four legs, feathers or scales; family can mean many different things to different people. You’re never really alone, even if that special connection of energy is with the one you love visits in spirit.

Take time to put up the decorations, no matter how small. Even if you’re the only one who will see it, you’re worth the effort. Let yourself feel the love and compassion, the sparkling celebration and beauty of your space. The little smile you express is enough to lift your spirit and remind you, there’s always someone who cares and who loves within your own home.

You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Ace of Pentacles –


Ace of Pentacles

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket today. It’s easier for someone to take all that you have and leave you with nothing. Caution and sensibility are the words that should be spinning in your head. You know what needs to be done and how to do it. Don’t throw caution to the wind and take your chances. Be watchful, hold onto what you have and don’t get suckered into a false sense of security.

Additional Insight:

Be cautious today, especially if you go shopping. You’re being watched and your sense of trust or the “Oh that won’t happen to me” mindset will go against you.

You know what to do to protect yourself from thieves and scams. So don’t let your guard down. Don’t flaunt what you have or what you’re carrying with you. It will only make you a target.

Don’t leave your belongings in the cart while you shop, it’s a perfect opportunity for someone to take all that you have. You know all the sensible things to do, and today is the day to do them and not let your guard down.

That includes being too trusting online as well. That person you’ve been talking to for months may not be what they seem to be. Don’t offer donations or fulfill requests for money. No matter how sad their story is, you have ways of checking them out and verifying the details. If you can’t see for yourself or validate their tale through reliable news sources, they’re only trying to scam you. No matter what feelings you’ve developed for them, or what they say they’ve developed for you.

Don’t be gullible! Even if it comes from a source close to you, the tale may not be what it really seems. Call around and talk to other family members before you fall into their trap. They may need a different kind of help than what they are asking for. Don’t aid them in their self-destruction and use your gut instincts. If you think something is amiss, then trust your senses throughout the day. They may keep you from losing ground and being taken for your kindness and compassion of the season.

You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Strength –



Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Strength of the soul doesn’t come from yelling at the top of your lungs so you can be heard over others. It comes in the everyday moments when you smile at a stranger, show compassion to your enemies and care for those you love. Instead of trying to fight those who would put you down, try living up to your beliefs and show them compassion and kindness. You may actually prove your point much better, by showing the silent strength of your soul, than trying to brandish your sword and battle cry.

Additional Insight:

Being a spiritual being isn’t measured by who yells the loudest or who degrades other beliefs the most. It comes from living your life in the every day actions according to what you believe.

What you express to others is what you will receive back.If you are constantly putting down the major religions in order to make yours seem superior or more historically accurate, aren’t you doing the same thing they’re doing? If you want respect for your beliefs, you must first give respect to others and their beliefs.

Others may go out of their way to degrade your views, hate what you believe or even denounce you because you don’t believe as they do. Consider their own belief system and ask them when did their God give them the authority to pass judgement on you? There’s no reason to argue about it. You’re not going to change their minds. And if you’re steadfast in your beliefs, they’re not going to change yours.

Instead of trying to argue who is right or who is better, try to share some facts about their misconceptions and look for the things you do agree on. We are much more alike than we are different. We all share a desire for peace and happiness. We all desire a place where life is safe and not filled with wars or battles over religious intolerance. We all desire a life of caring and compassion for our neighbors and hope they do the same for us. Where communities come together not only in times of tragedy or necessity, but in all the times of the year.

The true measure of living a spiritual life is putting into practice the things you believe, not only in the crowd of others who share your views, but amongst those who don’t believe as you do. The measure of a person isn’t in the battles they fought and won. It’s in the peaceful walk they made through life amongst their fellow spirits.

You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Knight of Pentacles –

Knight of Pentacles
Stop looking for a fight at every turn. The world really isn’t out to get you. Stop allowing the frustrations of others to become personal attacks on you. It’s not always all about you! Sometimes it takes more courage to allow others to express their views, believe what they choose and dream as they may; even if those things don’t include you. Courage is not in the hands, it’s in the heart. Have the courage to be patient with others and especially with yourself.

Additional Insight:

Stop looking outside yourself for approval. If you believe you’re doing all you can to make things right, or change things for the better, then be content with that. You have nothing to prove to anyone, but yourself.

Allow others to express their frustrations and fears as they may without taking it to heart. You’re not the only one who has the right to let out your emotions or to feel angry about what’s going on around you. And that includes the negative self-talk you play in your head.

You can’t fight the battles at both ends. You can’t be everything to everyone around you. Yet you may have been operating under the assumption that you must be. That is an outlook that you’ve created for yourself, so any small thing that goes wrong is of course, your fault. Stop it! Stop taking on the responsibilities of others that aren’t yours to hold. Stop being accountable for everyone and everything. You don’t control the Universe, so stop trying to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. It really isn’t yours to hold up alone.

The duties of the Knight are to stand watchful for danger, not to go out looking for trouble. Their duty is to protect and guard, not to start battles or wars in the name of the entire kingdom. Watch over your personal domain and let the rest of the world take care of itself.

Be the knight that knows when to stand up with sword ready to protect those in need. And when to kneel to show compassion for one who has fallen and no longer has the strength to stand. Focus on your own piece of the world and do what you can when needed. But mostly of all, show compassion and care for those you’re charged to protect. No one can ask any more of you, than that.

You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Seven of Swords –


7 of Swords

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Nourish what you’re searching for and you will open the doors of understanding and wisdom. Stop listening to the negative talk that creates fear and hatred. Learning about others or other things doesn’t mean you will become what you learn. Rather it means you will become more tolerant and less afraid of the world around you. After all, if your views can’t stand up to your own criticism, then perhaps they are more flawed than you initially thought. Be mindful of your own misunderstandings and more importantly, how you act upon those misconceptions.

Additional Insight:

Swords represent Strength & Weakness, Struggle & Endurance, Animosity & Respect. Whither upright or inverted, Swords can provide any of these characteristics to your day. You can focus on the negative, or the fear and draw more of that animosity toward you. Or you stand with strength and respect by refusing to follow the hate and anger. It’s really up to you and how you put your beliefs into practice on a daily basis.

It takes strength to stand up against ignorance and learn about the world around you. It takes respect of the self and one’s own beliefs to be open to the views of others. That respect doesn’t mean you must live in fear that someone will try to “convert” you to their ways. You control what you believe and how you view the world. Not someone else.

But learning about others could help you to see that most people are much more a like than they are different, regardless of belief, race, sex and everything else that puts people in this box over that box. Why be afraid of what you don’t understand or don’t know?

Learning is a process of exploration that can be interesting and exciting. It can also be surprising when you discover all the tales and stories of woe that you have been told are untrue and built on hate. In this season of peace and joy, take time to learn about something you don’t know. Explore the world and become part of its growth toward tolerance and understanding. Tis the season for it. Be Merry and put your beliefs into practice.

Additional Reading for today:


You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Six of Wands – Inv


Six of Wands: Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

There’s always going to be someone who doesn’t appreciate what you’ve done or have accomplished. Don’t let the one voice of “you could have done better” overshadow all those that are congratulating you and happy about your achievements. You deserve to celebrate and hold your successes high. Pat yourself on the back and smile!!

Additional Insight:

There’s always going to be someone in your corner who doesn’t think you’re doing enough. For some reason they have a hard time saying even one kind thing about the work you’ve put in and changes you’ve made. They are the one person you need to ignore. You can’t change them, you can’t help them see the lessons they have to learn. So try to make sure you put their words out of your head!

No matter how many people congratulate us, or tell us we’ve done a great job, or they’re happy we’ve reached the success that has claimed so much work from us; there’s always that one person whose negative comment sticks in our head. It’s time you take control of your thoughts and erase those recordings from your brain!

Their jealousy comes from within their being and their view of themselves. It’s not their success, so you don’t deserve it either. You can feel sorry for them and try to be compassionate, but not if it takes away from your moment of celebration. Remind them you worked hard for this, if you care to. Remind them it’s not your path they’re walking and you don’t live up to their standards. Be confident in yourself, approve of yourself and you will win the day and maintain the joy for your good deeds and hard work.

Hold up the glass and give yourself a toast! Smile through the day because you reached a goal you set for yourself. No matter how small or how big it may be; celebrate your achievements!

You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: The Moon – Inverted

The Moon - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

While complaining in silence may not create negative energy between you and others, it still hurts you and your soul. Stop looking outside yourself for approval, stability and happiness. Those things can only be found within you. It’s not that someone else isn’t “making you laugh”, it’s that you’re not allowing yourself to be happy. Be accountable for your own emotions and be mindful about where your head really is.

Additional Insight:

Many people struggle during this time of peace and joy. Some have reason to be  worried about finances and making ends meet. But even in struggle no one controls your emotions except you. Even in the face of hardship people find a reason to smile and be joyful. After all, this time of the year really isn’t about how many presents you have under the tree or that you have a tree at all.

The commercialism of this time of year has taken away from the real reason behind the holiday. No matter what religion you follow we are all affected by the attitudes of peace and love. Compassion and kindness don’t cost you a dime.

Stop complaining about your lack or the insensitivity of others. You may not be saying the negative things out loud to them, but you’re still holding that energy within yourself. You’re still attracting that negative energy to you and allowing it to build and be expressed through your every day actions. The scowl on your face, the way you walk or the defeatest tone in your voice. You don’t have to say the words to express your inner thinking, but it can and often will still get out there.

This time of year is about the upward turn of the wheel of life, coming back from the darkness of days to the light and warmth. It’s the return of the Sun god, shining light on what’s important in the world. Not the trappings of commercialism, or the hurt feelings because you didn’t get the present you asked for, or the stress of making everything “perfect” for everyone else and forgetting what real peace and joy mean to your soul and the spirit of the holiday.

Many talk a good talk and say the season is about family, being together and honoring the love and compassion we share with those close to us. Then they turn around and yell at their sister, or talk badly about the attitudes of their in-laws or the actions of their friend. It’s not enough to talk the talk and fool others about your real inner voice. Because the energy you create within your heart and soul will still have an impact on yourself, and those around you.

No one can “make” you feel happy or joyful during any time of the year, and especially not in one particular season. Only you can control your own emotions. You decide how you feel and what this time of year means to you. Stop blaming others for what is lacking in your vision of the season and change your vision. Be mindful about what you’re thinking and be honest with yourself about where you’re putting the importance of events and issues that surround you. Are you talking a good talk? Or are you really trying to practice what you preach? You’re the only one who can truly answer that question.

When you are mindful of your thoughts and actions, you allow the compassion you have for others to shine within and for yourself as well. You fill your heart and soul with the true meaning of peace and joy, not only in this time or in this season, but all the year long. You put your beliefs into action, and your message into practice. Instead of criticizing, give yourself a hug. Love your self and find the one thing that brings you joy over all things. Whither it’s a person or a good book and cup of tea by the fire. Love what’s around you and in turn, your love and compassion will surround you and bring more of the same to your day.

You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: The Sun


Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Your actions can’t be hidden forever. Eventually the light will shine upon what you’ve been doing. Let it expose the good works and actions you’ve been putting forth. But be cautious of the things you do, especially over the next three weeks. Make sure you’re mindful and avoid the negative intolerant actions. The light of the sun can burn you, just as it can help things grow to sustain you.

Additional Insight:

It’s not enough to give your beliefs lip service and then put negative thoughts into action when you walk through the temple doors. What you say and what you do carry more weight and cannot be overridden by those few moments of spiritual devotion.

Many put forth an effort to be compassionate to others during this season of peace and giving. But during all the other moments of the year, they express intolerance and disdain. If you’re going to claim an affiliation with a spiritual path, you must walk that road all the year long. And in every action you take.

Not only in the thoughts you think to yourself, or the deeds you express in your community or in your family. But also, in all those little moments of expressed energy when you send a tweet or hit the share button on a story that demeans or criticizes someone else, be it a person or group.The written word can often hold more energy than what you say out loud in private to your closest friends.

It’s easy in our society today to get caught up in the negative. Show you have greater strength and courage to stand up for compassion, honesty and caring. There’s no better time to start that pattern of tolerance for others than right now during this season of peace and love that spans the world over.

Hold that feeling of compassion and caring for others in the middle of the year when there’s no holiday to celebrate and no greeting cards to remind you of the real lessons of spirit. You can become the light that shines all year long as a beacon for your faith of peace, love and compassion. And you might even pull some of that energy toward you for your own benefit by doing so.

You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: King of Cups – Inverted


King of Cups Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Be careful you don’t spend the day making gut reactions to things that irritate you. It’s ok to take a moment and contemplate what is going on. You might save yourself some heartache or problems. Be cautious of your mindset, make sure you’re not reacting out of hurt feelings from the past and from others who aren’t even your life today. Take a moment to set the old baggage down and try to understand what’s really going on.

Additional Insight:

Taking a moment to think before you respond isn’t a sign of weakness or a lack of intelligence. Just the opposite. It’s a sign that you are the one in control of your actions and emotions, not someone else. So don’t be baited into a fight today!

Determine what’s really going on in the situations around you. Ask yourself, is this conflict about me? Or about someone from my past? Don’t try to get involved in arguments that have nothing to do with you in the first place. No taking sides in arguments today! Instead, try to use your calm and compassion to ease the fear and anger of others. You might be more helpful in calming everyone down than getting involved in the actual war of words.

It’s a day to remember that being the leader means being in control of your own emotions and actions. Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated and turned against someone, or others, who don’t deserve it. Whither it be a spat at school, a rumor at work, or an unfounded post on Facebook. Don’t let the emotional energy get a hold of you and add to the fray. Not today!

Double check the facts, make sure the stories are true and accurate BEFORE you hit the share button. Ask yourself, do I want to add to the fear, intolerance, anger and hatred? Or do I want to be an example of Walking Your Talk and show compassion, calm and understanding to all sides. It’s that time of the year to step up your game and put into action your preaching from spirit.

Today’s Additional Reading:
Walking Your Talk ©
Mindfulness: Being Aware.

You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.