Tag Archive | shaman

Yule Time Begins

It’s That Time of Year Again

The winter solstice, also known as midwinter, is an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year. It occurs when one of the Earth’s poles has its maximum tilt away from the Sun. It happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the solstice occurs on December 21st and marks the start of the Winter holiday for Pagans. The Solstice is known as Midwinter, Yule for Pagans, the Longest Night, and Jól for the Norse.

Yule for Pagans, is a 12 day celebration that honors the Goddess in all 3 of her forms, Maiden, Mother, and Crone. And the rebirth of the God, in the form of the Sun. Each one of these representations of the Divine is honored and observed for a 3 day period beginning with the Maiden. The Mother Goddess comes next, followed by the Sun God, and ending with the Crone. 

This year of 2018, Pagans will also enjoy a special occurrence of a Full Moon (read more at Space.com) AND a meteor shower during the Yuletide celebrations. The Ursid meteor shower is active each year around the December solstice. This year’s peak morning is probably December 22. Even under the full moon light, you should be able to see a little bit of the meteors. So if you’re up before sunrise, look up and check it out. (read more at EarthSky.org). Continue reading

Thanks To Our Veterans


Thank You For Your Service

To all veterans Past, Present and Future.
From far away, to here at home.
On active duty or duty served.
We honor your courage and sacrifice.
We extend our gratitude for your commitment.
As we share our thanks and gratitude,
for the freedom you have protected.
Spring © 2014


© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2018 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

U.S. Counties Want To Move Halloween

Image from: Megan Granata Upsetting Witches

It happens every year. Some County official somewhere in the U.S., wants to move the observance of Halloween for little Trick-or-Treaters and I suddenly get hundreds of emails from practicing Witches about how this angers them to no end. Litterally, beginning around October 1st, I start receiving emails. By the end of the month I’ve received over 200 when all is said and done.

This year, I’m up to 167 so far. with less than a week to go. Hopefully that means word is getting out. But the general sentiment is often the same,  “What right do these people have to move OUR holiday!” Here’s my question in response, Why are you upset, Halloween IS NOT our holiday?

Whether you use the Gaelic pronunciation “Sow-en”, “Sow-ween”, “Sah-ween” or the Americanized version “Sam-hain” (yes that is an acceptable pronunciation), Samhain is still the biggest holiday on the Pagan Calendar.

Samhain is a Gaelic word, and it translates to “Summer’s End”. It marks the end of the growing season and the transition into Winter. It also marks the Celtic New Year and it is observed with both reverence and of course a big party celebration. Continue reading

It’s the 2nd Friday the 13th For 2018

Thirteen On Springwolf ReflectionsDo You Know The Origins of Friday the 13th?

Once again it’s another 13th day that lands on a Friday. Once again, news organizations are publishing articles about where the day came from and who started it. And once again, their general line is “no one knows where it started”. Yeah, um…No. What they mean is, they don’t want to look at Pagan History and find yet another thing they observe that’s based on Pagan beliefs and practices.

We know where the day came from. We know generally when it started. And we know it is NOT based in Christian lore concerning the Knights Templar.

If you’re interested in the Pagan History of this day, you’ll have to turn to indo-European pagans. And the persecution of an old peaceful religion.
History of Friday the 13th – It’s a good day for Pagans.

Artist Unknown

Oh, and I forgot. This Friday the 13th falls in the range of the New Moon celebrations. You might want to include a little Moon Magik in your celebrations. This holiday for Pagans is all about good luck and receiving blessings from the Divine (who or whatever that is to you). The New Moon phase is best used for personal growth, healing and blessing of new projects or ventures. A great time to share that energy with the good luck of the 13th. It’s also a good time to cleanse and consecrate new tools and objects you wish to use during rituals, ceremonies or an up coming festival.

May you all have a blessed and wonderful day.




© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2018 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Moon Magik

Mystic Moon Wallpaper by WPNature

The Esbats: Working With The Moon Phases

In the world of Pagan Metaphysics, we call the observance of the Moon, Esbat days, or Ritual days. These phases are where we combine the energy of the Divine Goddess, in this case in the form of Grandmother Moon, with your own energy, for magikal working.

Every magikal practitioner should know which days to work with the Moon and which days to take off. Which Moon phases are best for what kind of casting and which are for rest.

These guidelines are not cast in stone and certainly if you have a friend in dire need of healing, you don’t need to wait until the next Waxing Moon to conduct a ritual. But for some of the best results, here are a few guidelines, interesting tid-bits, and helpful hints to keep in mind.

Picture the movement of the moon in terms of a clock whose hands are moving backward. The moon rests on the clock’s hour hand, Earth sits at the clock’s center. While the sun shines far off in the direction of 12 o’clock. As the moon orbits counterclockwise around Earth, its position relative to the sun and Earth changes, giving us the varied phases of the moon. Each phase of the moon lasts approximately 5 days.

Not everyone observes all 5 days as Magikal Working days. Some cultures recognize 3 days, the day before the pinnacle of the phase, the day of pinnacle and the day after. In other words, the day before a Full Moon, the day of the Full Moon and the day after. While other culture only recognize the day of the event. I’m partial to the 3 day concept. It lines up with the idea that magik is practiced in whole, as a union between the physical world and spiritual world. A better way to think of this would be in the Divine Conscious state of Mind, Body and Spirit. Continue reading

The Subtleties of Energy

How Your Thoughts Impact Your Day

I’d like to share something about energy. It seems to be a topic of conversation this week. Most everyone who works with energy in some way sees the spiritual impact of that work. You may pull energy in for healing, send it out through prayers, summon Divine energy for blessings or clearing and cleansing etc. Spiritual practitioners also connect to it in order to provide readings or interpretations for clients. In magik, we pull in energy to manipulate it to our intent and send it back out again. But do you take time to really understand how that energy impacts you, specifically, over time?

When you’re adept at working with energy, a lot of subtle energies can be picked up on and can unexpectedly impact other things in your life. That connection to a client or another person can translate and manifest in some interesting ways. Let me explain that in a little story that happened to me that can help explain where this is going for everyone, professional and layman alike.

I was asked to provide an interpretation of something for a friend. For over a week I’ve tried to fulfill that request. But odd things kept happening blocking my ability to complete that ‘mission’. Every time I sat down to start-up my laptop to type up the interpretation and send it off, our wi-fi would go out. Continue reading

Please Have A Feel Good Day

Have A Nice DayI think we all need a pick me up.

Ignore the haters.
Walk away from the fakers.
Close the door on the takers.
Change the channel on the instigators.

Choose to have a nice day!
It will piss them all off.

Many years ago when I was a student of my favorite teacher, a Shaman named Roger, I was having an unusually bad day.

He asked me why I was allowing the hate and jealousy of others control my emotions and my day? To be honest I didn’t know what to reply to that question. They made me mad, they hurt my feelings. He said “No they didn’t. You decided all on your own to listen to their words and you made the choice how you were going to feel. They didn’t make you feel that way, you allowed them to dial in a particular emotion and hit the ‘go’ button”. Continue reading

Next On The Ænigma Project – Astral Projection, Out of Body Experiences, Near Death Experiences

Get Your Tinfoil Hat
and Join Us Live!

The Ænigma Project – Mondays 8 PM EST

Tonight’s episode of The Ænigma Project has been rescheduled. Sorry for any inconvenience. When we scheduled tonight’s show we had forgotten it was a holiday. We seem to have observed the day a little too hardily. We’ll reschedule tonight’s show for June 27th.

The Ænigma Project is a discussion group focused on the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and mysterious events that sometimes take place in our lives. Through multiple view points and experiences, we seek to enlighten our listeners and elucidate that which has become hidden beneath the many layers of misunderstanding and fear.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal. Be part of the Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, see if you can tell the stories that are real, from those that are made up. And find out what the latest strange or paranormal is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

Tune in tonight for our LIVE broadcast. The radio link on our ListenLIVE page will update for tonight’s show as soon as we go LIVE. You will see the Listen bar change and update for tonight’s scheduled topic. This is your queue to tune in, sit back and enjoy our discussion.

To get into the chat room, scroll down below the radio Listen Bar and you’ll find our new chat room. You can join in the chat to share your perspective on our topic or ask questions for the panel to contemplate and address. You can also sit outside the room and simply watch the discussion. No need to sign-in if you don’t want to. Our chat room regulars are always posting pictures, sharing some laughs and even having thoughtful discussions on their own.

Continue reading

Next On The Ænigma Project – Astral Projection, Out of Body Experiences, Near Death Experiences

Get Your Tinfoil Hat
and Join Us Live!

The Ænigma Project – Mondays 8 PM EST

The Ænigma Project is a discussion group focused on the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and mysterious events that sometimes take place in our lives. Through multiple view points and experiences, we seek to enlighten our listeners and elucidate that which has become hidden beneath the many layers of misunderstanding and fear.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal. Be part of the Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, see if you can tell the stories that are real, from those that are made up. And find out what the latest strange or paranormal is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

Tune in tonight for our LIVE broadcast. The radio link on our ListenLIVE page will update for tonight’s show as soon as we go LIVE. You will see the Listen bar change and update for tonight’s scheduled topic. This is your queue to tune in, sit back and enjoy our discussion.

To get into the chat room, scroll down below the radio Listen Bar and you’ll find our new chat room. You can join in the chat to share your perspective on our topic or ask questions for the panel to contemplate and address. You can also sit outside the room and simply watch the discussion. No need to sign-in if you don’t want to. Our chat room regulars are always posting pictures, sharing some laughs and even having thoughtful discussions on their own.

Continue reading

Next On The Ænigma Project – Astrology around the World

Get Your Tinfoil Hat
and Join Us Live!

The Ænigma Project – Mondays 8 PM EST

The Ænigma Project is a discussion group focused on the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and mysterious events that sometimes take place in our lives. Through multiple view points and experiences, we seek to enlighten our listeners and elucidate that which has become hidden beneath the many layers of misunderstanding and fear.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal. Be part of the Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, see if you can tell the stories that are real, from those that are made up. And find out what the latest strange or paranormal is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

Tune in tonight for our LIVE broadcast. The radio link on our ListenLIVE page will update for tonight’s show as soon as we go LIVE. You will see the Listen bar change and update for tonight’s scheduled topic. This is your queue to tune in, sit back and enjoy our discussion.

To get into the chat room, scroll down below the radio Listen Bar and you’ll find our new chat room. You can join in the chat to share your perspective on our topic or ask questions for the panel to contemplate and address. You can also sit outside the room and simply watch the discussion. No need to sign-in if you don’t want to. Our chat room regulars are always posting pictures, sharing some laughs and even having thoughtful discussions on their own.

Continue reading