Tag Archive | philosophy

Soul Mates, Twin Souls & Karmic Relationships

Making Sense Of Spiritual Relationships

Finding Love In The Universe

We develop connections with other spirits and give them names to differentiate between them. We have Twin Souls, Soul Mates, Karmic relationships and the all important one, Spirit Mates. Each one has a purpose and each one is different. But in the commercialized world, their purpose has become blurred and confused.

All of our relationships are spiritual in nature. From metaphysical theory, we make agreements with others while in spirit to share time and space together here on the physical plane once we’ve incarnated.

We also make agreements with other spirits to help guide us through our incarnated path to learn lessons, share guidance and pay or redeem karma or both.

Each of these agreements are designed for one main purpose, to help our spirit learn, grow and work toward enlightenment. But that doesn’t mean that each of these agreements are the same. Continue reading

A Short Description of Pagan Metaphysics

The Consciousness of the MindI’ve received several emails and FB messages from people asking for a brief description of Pagan Metaphysics. A couple of these emails have indicated they’re writing papers for school. So I thought it might be helpful to simply post my short definition for those searching for the words to define the beliefs.

Pagan Metaphysics Is…
Physics is the study of the observed world. It is the study of what we can see, observe and determine from watching the reaction or interaction of tangible things. Metaphysics is the study beyond physics into the unseen world. That which we believe, but cannot see, still exists. Pagan Metaphysics is a balance of physics through the observation of the natural world and the natural laws of the Divine Universe. It is a balance of both physics and metaphysics applied through observation and personal experience of the unseen spiritual Universe.

Now for the more detailed look, I suggest reading the following:

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Spring’s Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Divination & Spirit Communication

How Do Spirits Connect To You For Communication

This article assumes a person who is attempting divination knows how to clear energy and shield themselves and the area they’re working in. Anyone who doesn’t know how to do that is inviting any type of entity into their divination session.

Spirit CommunicationRecently I have been asked about how spirits connect with a psychic or channel for purposes of communication. Not just for divination, but also for guidance and attaining insight into ones spiritual path and enlightenment. 

To answer that question I decided to provide my understanding of the “technical” explanation of how spirit energy can connect to our higher consciousness and how spirit communication occurs once that connection is made.

The first thing I’d say here is that everyone is psychic to some degree and everyone has the potential to communicate with spirit. Some call it intuition, others call it gut feeling, but whatever label you’re assigning to the instinct, it’s an ability we all have. Being psychic doesn’t make you special, or unique. It’s a natural sixth sense that we all have. Some of us simply are more aware of it and have tapped into that sense to use it in our daily lives. But it’s something that can be learned. With routine meditation, study, practice and experience anyone can communicate with their own higher spiritual consciousness and with their own connection to the higher Universal Divine Consciousness. Continue reading

Living A Life Of Confidence Or Insecurity

Passionate Debate Or Heated ArgumentHeated Debate

I recently had a conversation with a group of people who became very..um..passionate in their discussion about beliefs.While some defined the discussion as a passionate debate, others more emotional,  defined it as a heated argument. But what caused the difference of opinion and view of the discussion might be saying something about how we view ourselves as individuals. Are we confident about our position in the debate, or insecure?

Debate is a good thing most of the time. It’s an exchange of ideas, a challenge to linear thinking that may cause opposing sides to expand their views. It may even alter a long held perspective, directing it down different avenues of thought that never occurred to an individual before.

I’ve noticed, however, that many times, informal discussions evolve into passionate debates that eventually break down into heated arguments that leave one or both sides of the conversation with hurt feelings, angry emotions and sometimes long standing feuds between individuals. 

And this is especially true if the discussions are about one of the three taboo subjects that you don’t discuss with family or at the dinner table: religion, politics or money! Continue reading

What Is A Spiritual Expert – Part V

Spiritual Teaching

Teachable Moments

Teachable Moments

No matter what path you walk in life, being a teacher of spirit requires a special talent and passion. It’s not enough to know the material, though that is a very big part of it, but one must also know how to deliver their message with encouragement, empowerment and to promote tolerance. How you choose your words is equally important to how you deliver them to your audience.

The biggest thing to keep in the front of your mind is that you don’t know it all. No matter what your experience level, knowledge, degrees beside your name; you are not the all knowing consciousness of the universe. And that’s ok. Every teacher has more to learn and room to grow. The old saying that a teacher has as much to learn from their students as the student does from the teacher is somewhat accurate. You may have more information about a topic or subject, but there are other “lessons” you can learn from those you teach. Whether your subject is spiritual belief, healing, divination or any other practice; you have not come across every situation a person might face. Some one will surprise you with their experience and you’ll be presented with a moment of learning how to help that individual in a new way or with a different approach than you have used in the past. Continue reading