Archive | May 2014

On The Next Ænigma Project – The June Free Form Show

Get Your Tinfoil Hat
and Join Us Live!

The Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project is a discussion group focused on the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and mysterious events that sometimes take place in our lives. Through multiple view points and experiences, we seek to enlighten our listeners and elucidate that which has become hidden beneath the many layers of misunderstanding and fear.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal. Be part of the Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, see if you can tell the stories that are real, from those that are made up. And find out what the latest strange or paranormal is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your perspective or ask questions for the panel to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE!

You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to put Continue reading

What To Do With Intolerance

Do I Get eMail! Egads!

Do I Get eMail! Egads!

Taking The Bait Or Rising Up Against Intolerance

It’s that time again… I get eMail. Boy do I get eMail. Some of you have started your own spiritual centers or business and have sent me messages about eMails like this one. You’ve asked how I might handle this situation or respond to that one.

When I get an off the wall email, I’m trying to share them and share how I handle responding to them. Sometimes not responding isn’t an option. People are coming to you out of a sincere perspective that you might be able to help them with their problem, or question. If you’re going to put yourself out there with a spiritual shingle and claiming to be a teacher or minister/priest or any type of expert, then you’re going to have to find a way to respond to everyone. No matter how crazy or annoying their email to you might be.

But there some tricks to figuring out if an email really needs a response or not. Sometimes you’ll receive a correspondence from someone trying to scam you, or get you to respond to bait you into a fight that they can then use against you and your reputation. Don’t take their bait!! Walk your walk and rise above their attempts to undermine your goals and your journey.  Here’s my latest “baiting for a fight” email. Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Knight of Pentacles – Inverted


Knight Of Pentacles - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Sometimes you have to surrender in order to fight for the important things. Pick your battles. Don’t try to take on everything all at once. You don’t have to be overwhelmed if you don’t want to be. Throwing up your hands and walking away from a fight will help you reserve your efforts for what’s really important on your path.

Additional Insight:

If you try to fight every situation as it crosses your path, you’ll wear yourself out and deplete your energies. You don’t have to fight everyone at every turn for reasons that aren’t even your own. Some of the battles you’re engaging in aren’t even yours to take on in the first place.

Choose your battles carefully and make sure you’re picking the ones that need to be fought in order to take you forward. The battles that keep you in the past aren’t worth your time and they certainly aren’t worth your efforts. So let them go and turn around to face the future.

Select the battles that will break down the barriers and overcome the obstacles that are in your way to success. Overcome the fears and self doubts you’re carrying around within. Stop the negative self talk! Especially the doubting talk that was put on your shoulders by others. Their limitations of you are not yours to carry. Their inability to stand tall and reach for their dreams are not your baggage to own. Continue reading

Thoughts Of Maya Angelou

Thoughts & Prayers

Thoughts & Prayers

A Woman Who Gave Us All Something To Think About

A statement from Wake Forest University, where Maya Angelou had been professor of American studies since 1982, said: “Dr Angelou was a national treasure whose life and teachings inspired millions around the world.”

Women of my age and older have a lot of thanks to extend to Dr. Angelou for her tireless work to bring equality to all people, regardless of race or gender; or anything else for that matter. Her work for civil rights, human rights, and women’s rights always gave us all something to think about and ponder through her poetry and words.

On May 28th, her family posted this message on Dr. Angelou’s facebook page:
Thursday, May 28, 2014
Statement from Dr. Maya Angelou’s Family:
Dr. Maya Angelou passed quietly in her home before 8:00 a.m. EST. Her family is extremely grateful that her ascension was not belabored by a loss of acuity or comprehension. She lived a life as a teacher, activist, artist and human being. She was a warrior for equality, tolerance and peace. The family is extremely appreciative of the time we had with her and we know that she is looking down upon us with love.
Guy B. Johnson

There are so many tributes to her and her life, what she meant to the world, to African-Americans, to women and others. I won’t even try to put into words the legacy she leaves behind as I think it would pale in comparison to her own words and to what others have written over the past few days about her.

For my own view of Dr. Angelou, I’ll remember her for her comments on spirituality and the words she used to share her journey to finding her own path of faith. She was raised Christian, but went on a discovery to find her own essence of spiritual life. Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: The Chariot

The Chariot

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Express your confidence and be self-assured today. You know exactly what you’re doing and you’re the expert on today’s tasks. Be humble, but proud as others look to you for advice and knowledge. Don’t second guess your ability to lead the way. You’ve got this!

Additional Insight:

Don’t second guess yourself today. You have the knowledge and expertise to be in the position you’ve been asked to take. Now stand tall and lead the way so others can learn from your experience.

Everyone reaches the level of teacher at some point in their life. For some it maybe early on because they heard a calling and started their journey from the get go. For others it may come from a lifetime of learning, experience and the hands on doing the work. Whatever your path, you’ve earned the right to be the expert in the task presented today.

Make sure you listen to those around you and give them the same respect and consideration they will afford to you. You might still learn something. But don’t be afraid to explain why this way will work and that one might not be the best solution. You don’t have to humiliate them for their ideas. Sometimes what we learn in a class room can only be implemented in the perfect situations that rarely exist in the real world. Explain that and you’ll be able to share your knowledge from the experiences you have so they can be aware of what to look out for next time they’re faced with the same issue.

Bottom line is, you are the one who has been given the task to manage the tasks of the day. You were giving that position because you’ve earned it. Whither it’s by happenstance or some boss gave you the assignment, you wouldn’t be put in this position if you weren’t ready to handle it. Now stand tall, be confident and get it done.

You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/Skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential. You can find the Mystic Faerie Tarot on Amazon.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2014 Motto:
I am at peace and live in the moment with all the prosperity and abundance I require!

© 2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Death

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Don’t rest on the past, it never lasts and will crumble beneath your feet. What you’ve been searching for is in front of you. Focus on moving the energy around you forward toward the change you need and desire. Keep your eyes on the future and work on the plans you have put into place. Nothing lasts for ever and you must keep moving forward to change the shadowy storm clouds of the day.

Additional Insight:

Remember that out of Chaos comes Creation and that’s what will be happening today. The more you try to hold onto the past, the harder the change toward the future will be.  Stop looking at the old ways of doing things or the old obstacles that have been in your way. All you’ll do is feed them energy to keep recurring and keep you anchored in the trauma of yesterday.

Stop telling their story. Stop feeding them energy by sharing their message of struggle. Stop giving them the attention they want, because they desire to hold you back in their world. Stop talking about the people who did you wrong, held you back or broke your dreams. Do you want them in your future? Do you really want to give them that much power and control over you today? Each time you mention their name, tell their story or even think of the wrongs they did to you; that’s exactly what you’re doing.

The Death card has always held a message of transition. How that change happens is entirely up to you. Let go and Let God is not simply a euphemism to give you faith that things will change and get better. It’s also a warning that holding onto those things that do not serve you well will only bring you down further into more of the same struggles. 
Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Knave of Cups

Knave Of Cups

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Sit pretty and be patient. Magik is at work behind the scenes. The energy sent out takes a little time to work its way into manifestation. You’ve done what you can, now let go and let “God”. You have a little time to get some other things done in order to be ready for when everything else falls into place. Don’t try to rush things. You’ll risk pushing away what you’re trying to build. Relax a little and stay focused on the tasks at hand. Let the big stuff develop as it may, in its right time and place.

Additional Insight:

If you start pushing others to make decisions before they are ready, you’ll risk the chance of delaying or destroying what you’ve been working for. Be patient! Let the Divine force in your life work toward bringing you the dreams you’ve been trying to create. They may not be exactly as you wished; but they will be exactly as you need them to be.

You’ve worked too hard to give up now. Change is in the air and you may even sense the shift in energy around you. Don’t let that get you over excited, or cause you to leap before things are in place to jump to! It might be a long fall if you do. So don’t go on the shopping spree, or plan the vacation or start doing business before you have all your I’s dotted and T’s crossed!

You have plenty of little things to work on to get the big picture painted with all the right amount of detail, shading and accents. Fill in the empty spaces, tweak the colors here and enhance the image over there. By the time you’ve completed working on all the little things, the big picture will be ready for you to add your work to. And you’ll be able to frame it, and hang it in the best galleries of the world!  Continue reading

On The Next Ænigma Project – The Faeries of North America

Get Your Tinfoil Hat
and Join Us Live!

The Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project is a discussion group focused on the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and mysterious events that sometimes take place in our lives. Through multiple view points and experiences, we seek to enlighten our listeners and elucidate that which has become hidden beneath the many layers of misunderstanding and fear.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal. Be part of the Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, see if you can tell the stories that are real, from those that are made up. And find out what the latest strange or paranormal is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your perspective or ask questions for the panel to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE!

You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to put Continue reading

No Tarot Meditation Drawing Today

Here in the U.S. we are honoring our fallen and living heroes. There’s no drawing today. But we hope everyone around the world remembers those who fought for freedom and thanks a soldier for their service.

Many Blessings on this Memorial Day

Fallen But Not Forgotten

Fallen But Not Forgotten

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2014 Motto:
I am at peace and live in the moment with all the prosperity and abundance I require!

© 2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

An Unexpected Visitor

We Have Bats Up In Here!

So the cats are in the bathroom getting into something. I go in and find the shower curtain rod halfway down the wall. I go to push it back up and I notice this big brown something on the wall. Now it’s the bathroom, so the first I think is ..yeah..poop. How the hell did poop get on the wall?

Ok, so it wasn’t a rational thought and I look closer. Uh..How the heck did this little guy get in here?!!

The Bat by Springwolf 🐾 ©201405

Click the Image for a Larger View

After the realization that it was a bat, comes the heart pounding OMG!! Ok, how am I going to get him out of here without hurting him or getting me bitten? I ran the cats out of the bathroom and closed the door. Which in and of itself was also irrational, the bathroom door had been open for several hours and he didn’t come out. So why would he come out now that I knew he was there? Right? Shut up, this isn’t your irrational moment! 😉 Continue reading