Archive | February 23, 2012

Pagans & Politics

How Do Pagans Approach Social & Political Issues?

Pack PoliticsHere in the U.S., the silly season of Presidential elections has spurred a lot of interest from the Pagan community. The Separation of Church and State is even more important than ever before here in America and Pagans are trying to make their voices heard.

Paganism/Witchcraft/Pagan Metaphysics is one of the fastest growing religions in America today. As well as around the world. Many people are becoming disillusioned with the unethical actions, politics and overpowering control that fundamentalist religions are expressing and pushing in our world today. And many are looking for peaceful alternatives. “Membership in Wiccan, Deity, Druid and Pagan sects has been skyrocketing — up from an unregistered blip in 1990 to more than 350,000 as of 2001” according to an article in the Washington Post.

As the level of strict religious views rises in our political discourse, I have received a huge amount of eMail from researchers, pagan activists and those looking to understand our path, asking for information that outlines the opinions of Pagans from a faith/belief perspective on today’s many issues. While I cannot speak for the opinions of all Pagans, I can discuss the basic principles outlined in the teachings of Pagan Metaphysical theology.

The following is a general description of how our Metaphysical Theology views some of today’s hot topics.
It is important to note that Pagan Metaphysics strives for peace and harmony within the Divine Universe and within the individual being. Through mutual respect and acceptance we can discover and acquire peace for all and create a world that is harmonious for everyone. But this approach does not take away the choices of individuals to direct their own lives with free will and the acceptance of the consequences of those choices. Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Knave of Cups – Inverted

Knave of Cups - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

It’s ok to peer out through the weeds and see what’s going on. Your supporters have cleared the way for you to be noticed and protected. You’ll find a little hug waiting for you as you emerge. Smile, relax and accept the victory. As small as it might be, it was an important one that will bring great influence later on.

Additional Insight:

When you act like an adult and follow the chain of command, you show respect for those who are most important in your life/career. Flying off the handle, allowing emotions to cloud your judgement only makes things worse and shows others that you’re not ready for the responsibilities ahead. When you can play the game with a positive approach and fight for your own self-worth with reason and proof, you’ll gain support, respect and compassion from those that are worth while to have in your corner. 

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Spring’s Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.