Tag Archive | king

The Struggle To Control Civilization

Pragmatists and Idealists At War

This story is so fitting for today’s world. It’s been told for decades in various forms, if not centuries. It was included in an episode of The Closer, Season 2, Episode 15 : Serving The King.

Asst. Chief Brenda Lee Johnson explains that she heard this story while working at the CIA. Part of a Lecture for Agents.

The Struggle To Control Civilization
We’re always fighting the same fight. Using the Dark Ages as an example. Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: King of Wands –

King of Wands

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Being the Boss means making the tough decisions and carrying the weight of the world on your own shoulders. Stop trying to dodge your responsibilities and take control of you life. You can’t blame someone else for the things you’ve failed to do. Get up and get moving.

Additional Insight:

Wands represent the essence of Enterprise, Inspiration and Distinction. The King is the ruler over these things. You control the enterprise that is your life. You control how your inspiration is expressed and put into motion. And you control the distinction of character that others associate with you.

If you continually pass the buck, you are doing a disservice to your own creative inspiration. If you refuse to take responsibility for your own actions, you diminish your value and decrease your inspiration that will help solve issues and deal with problems.

Yes you depend on others for some things. But remember they depend on you as well. If they’re trying to do the work and failing because of what’s out of their control; don’t be angry at them. Support them. And then work on what you need to do in order to create what’s needed for the team or partnership.

You have big dreams for your own enterprise. But what are you doing to bring them into manifestation? Are you waiting on others to do your tasks for you? Are you creating the strong foundation you need to build your Enterprise upon? Have you created the plan and the steps you know are needed at this point to get things going?

It’s ok if you don’t know it all. Don’t let that scare you into not doing something or giving it chance. Everyone learns as they go, by doing research, talking to others and making things happen. Work on building your dream from the bottom up. Create the foundation from which all other things will spring forth.

Believe in yourself, but remember you still have responsibilities to take care of. Even if that means putting the Enterprise aside for a few hours. Get it done, and you’ll be able to get back to making the dream a reality.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: King of Swords – Inverted

King of Swords - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Strife rules the day, but don’t put all your cards on the table. Keep a few of your weapons secret for another time. Others are underestimating you and that will be their down fall. But only if you hold some of your strength  in reserve for later, when it’s really going to matter most.

Additional Insight:

Don’t allow the battles of the day to throw you into a fighting frenzy. All you will do is deplete your own resources and give the advantage to your adversary. That’s what they want you to do. They want you to throw everything out there all at once to prove you’re unstable, not capable of controlling your emotions or actions and can’t be trusted.

You will win the day by standing up for yourself under attack, but not attacking others in return. Defense is the best offense for now. Calmly state the facts to those overseeing the battleground. Explain your position in defense of yourself and pull out a few weapons that show your expertise and ability.

But keep the big guns under wraps until you need them. Let your adversary get flustered because you didn’t take the bait and fall into their trap. Let them show the anger and uncontrollable emotions. You don’t have to do anything to help them self destruct.

Remember you can’t get in a fight you want, if you don’t step on the battlefield in the first place. Walk around it and defend yourself. You’ll be the one who wins the day with a sign of strength and clarity.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: King of Cups

King of Cups

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

You are the master of your own domain. What you decide to do with it is your choice. Don’t let others push you around, or force you to do something you otherwise would not do. Take control of your own destiny.

Additional Insight:

It takes work to live a good life. Others around you may not care about the consequences their actions have on you, but you should. No one has your best interest to heart more than you. So why are you allowing others to dictate your future?

Pay attention and make the choices that are right for YOU. It your life and you should be the one living it, taking responsibility for it and making it into what you want it to be.

Don’t make decisions based from a sense of loyalty to someone else who wants something from you. Their selfishness may be trying to reap the rewards of your hard work. And at your expense.

The choices you make in the next few weeks will either bring great rewards, or they could cause you to lose everything you’ve worked for. Be careful! Listen to your inner voice and take the next steps with complete confidence in YOU…not in what someone else tells you must be done.

We’re on Hiatus Beginning Tomorrow 3/29

There will be no drawing tomorrow or next week; we’re taking time off for spring break. We hope the weather is nice and lovely where you are and that you too will have time to enjoy a little vacation and relaxation.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2013 Motto:
I attract and acquire more happiness and financial abundance than I know what to do with!

© 2013 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: King of Cups – Inverted

King of Cups Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Stop the negative talk, and start the positive walk!
~ Springwolf

Things aren’t going to fall apart, even if you turn them upside down. You’ve got to stop worrying! Stop expecting the other shoe to drop and focus on what you can do, instead of what you can’t or don’t have. You must believe in yourself and focus on what has changed; because they have changed for the better. Don’t keep pulling the negative toward you, and allow the positive to do its magik!

Additional Insight:

You’ve been work so hard on making positive changes in your life, yet you’re still fighting against them. Why? Believe in yourself, even when no one else does!

You have already proven you can do this, so just get to it. Stop listening to the critics in your head, they don’t really know you or what you’ve been through. Stop listening to the past fears and worries, because they no longer have influence or meaning over your actions today. Stop replaying the negative scenarios in your mind’s eye, for they will never come to fruition unless you make them happen.

How you “think” will create how you feel, what you face and how you deal with it in the reality of the here and now. So “think” about what you have already changed for the better. Take note of the blessings that have already gotten the ball rolling for you and in the direction you want to go. Focus on the choices you’ve made to turn things around and upside down to shake out the negative influences and controls. You’ve done a great deal already and you should use those positive changes and the energy you’ve expended upon them to lift you up and move on.

Stay focused on your plans to move things forward and the projects you’re already working on. Some of them maybe tedious, but your efforts will pay off in the end! They’ve already started paying off now. So stop the negative talk and start the positive walk!

..on that note..
There are only 42 days left in my campaign to raise money to help us reach those in need. If you gained anything from today’s message, say thank you by donating $1. We’ve raised $280, but we need at a minimum $750 to accomplish our goal. Please consider how much the daily drawings have helped you and give something back to say thanks! I certainly would appreciate it. Simply click the image below and make your donation gift today.

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Only 42 Days Left
To Help Other Pagans In Need

We offer consultation and counseling services for rape victims, women and families of abuse, and those in crisis. We have requests to provide these services to shut-ins, military personnel and others who are out of our area.

To find out how we help, read A Story of Hope and Sometimes A Smile Can Inspire Someone To Survive.

You can help too. Help us fulfill these requests we’ve received from those in need. Your gift can be made securely through PayPal! Whither it’s a $1 or more; every little bit helps. Won’t you give a little to help a lot?! Learn more @ Help Us Help Other Pagan Metaphysicians.

Your gift can earn you a free personal reading from Springwolf!

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

A Shared Insight

Learning From Hardship – Sing your own song!

Carole Bourdo - "Wolf Song"

Carole Bourdo – “Wolf Song”

Yesterday I allowed my 9 year old to play on my computer. That turns out to have been a mistake. About an hour into his foray of watching some lego video, he receives a message over the browser window. Instead of reading it and asking his dad or me about it, he clicked a button and went on with his video. Something he has been told NOT to do. And he discovered the reason…he infected my computer with a pretty nasty virus!

Thankfully both Daddy and I are IT geeks. But my IT skills are more related to mainframes and corporate servers, than desk top computers. Thankfully Daddy is the desktop King. It took the entire day from about 10am to midnight to fully correct the infection and ensure everything was ok, running right and safe again. With a few extra checks and tweaks this morning, my laptop is virus free and more tightly secured. Which includes not allowing our little Prince to touch my laptop again!

So..what’s the point to this story…While the King was fixing my machine I let go of that nervous irritated energy by doing some spring cleaning. Which involved turning the cushions over on the couches and the chair I like to sit in with my laptop. When you have a 9 year old, it’s a good idea to vacuum under the cushions once a month. In my chair I found enough miniature legos to build a robot. Along with two pencils, a pen and Oh My Stars! 3 cards from Faery Tarot Deck! I didn’t even know they were missing! Continue reading

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: King of Cups

King of Cups

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Contemplation helps set the details of your plans onto the best path that lay ahead. Try to remain compassionate, but allow yourself room to heal wounds. Don’t continue to scratch your own scars and keep the open unnecessarily. Things are not the same as they were before. You’re different, the world around you is different, and you have the ability to make different choices today. Don’t allow the hurts of the past to cloud your judgement today.

Additional Insight:

Don’t rush into decisions or react based on old patterns and knee jerk reactions. You’ve thought your plans through now it’s time to put them into motion. You will win the day by remaining steadfast and calm. Though it may be hard not to lose your temper, doing so will keep the control in your court. You’re the King on the Throne and you have a right to rule your domain as you see fit, not as someone else yelling and demanding believes you must.

You can ignore their temper tantrum and keep the power of the day in your hands. But remember your actions affect others involved. So you must also show compassion and understanding. Everyone will have their own view and perspective. Make sure you correct misinformation, misconceptions and the attempts to lie for selfish power and ego. Putting someone in their place doesn’t mean you have to destroy them in the process. You may need them one day.

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Help Us Help Others

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If you liked today’s Tarot Meditation Message, you can say thank you by helping us help others in need. We offer consultation and counseling services for rape victims, women and families of abuse, and those in crisis.

We have been asked to provide these services for those who are shut-ins from illness, tragedy or trauma, who are out of state, and for military personnel who want to talk with someone who holds the same beliefs as they do. But we’re limited by technology. You can Help Us Help Others!

Will you give a little to help a lot? Check our many perks on the right of our campaign home page in return for your gift.Your contribution can be made securely through PayPal! Learn more @ Help Us Help Others

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

It’s lonely at the top. You can’t shake your responsibilities, not can you express your frustrations without taking them out on others. But you’re really not alone when you remember to rise above the pettiness and look at the lessons the path is trying to teach you. Stop being the punching bag for everyone else and say enough. You’re the boss. So take control, make the tough decisions and solve the problems instead of only talking about them and pushing them farther out in hopes of having them resolved for you. They won’t be.

Additional Insight:

Whither you’re the boss in business, in the household or just your own path, you don’t have to be anyone’s scape goat or punching bag unless you want to be. So if you don’t want to be, you’re the only one who can stop it.

Being the boss means taking responsibility for the direction of your life. Don’t just talk about what changes you’re going to make. Work to make those changes a reality. Yes it takes effort, yes it takes time, yes it will take confrontation and putting your foot down. But you’re the boss. Remember that and you will empower your position and your confidence to make it happen.

You don’t have to be mean (though that might be needed with some). So remember you’ll catch more bees with honey than vinegar. You don’t have to be vindictive. There’s a difference between needing someone’s assistance and ensuring your business runs smooth and efficiently. Don’t fire the one you need. But you don’t have to keep the one costing you business either.

Stay calm, get focused and put your ideas into action. Walk your talk!

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: King of Cups –

King of Cups

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

As the ruler of your life, it’s up to you to review where you’ve been and where you’re going. Contemplate and think. Review all that you have learned, you know a lot more than you give yourself credit for. See how far you’ve come. Imagine how far you can go. Put forth the same energy in making it happen as you do in dreaming about it, It’s not going to happen on its own. So take charge and govern your life to lead it in the direction you need and want it to go!

Additional Insight:

You have the ability to create the world you dream of, especially when you align your desire with your spiritual lessons and mission. Stop dreaming about it and start making practical efforts to manifest those dreams into reality. Putting off the physical activities is only going to prolong the struggle and feelings of inadequacy. STOP IT! You’re better than that, you’re worth more than that! You have the connection to the unlimited Divine Creative force in the Universe. Tap into it, and use it to make a difference in your own life! Remember, you deserve it as much as anyone else does.

© 2012 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Spring’s Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.