Tag Archive | how

A Meditation Guide

Go Within And Learn

A How To Handbook

As a student of metaphysics and magik, I have been fortunate to teach, as well as learn from others about the many methods and modalities of Meditation.

The following is a Student Guide I hand out in my own Meditation Classes. Included in this guide is a short introduction to meditation methods and the benefits of a meditation routine. As well as, a step-by-step instruction manual for anyone to follow and to learn meditation on their own.

What is Meditation?
Prayer allows you to talk to the Divine and petition for assistance or honor the Divine force in your life. Meditation allows you to become one with the Divine and discover the divine within your own inner being.

Meditation has been practiced around the world in every known religion, from Paganism, Buddhism to Christianity and beyond. Many people have meditated for spiritual communication, personal fulfillment, as a form of worship or spiritual practice, and even just to relax and relieve the stress of life. Continue reading

The Legend Of The Sun and The Moon

sun-n-moonThe History Of How The Sun Loved The Moon

“Tell me the story about how the Sun loved the Moon so much he died every night to let her breathe.”

Oh and yes, it’s breathe. You take in a breath that allows your lungs to breathe. Seems there has been some debate about that too.

The quote itself has captured the imagination of people world-wide. But what is the story and where did it come from? What’s the history or origin of the phrase? Who said it? And what’s the whole story?

I’ve spent a good deal of time searching and delving into the history of this phrase. And continue to search, for the original source. My initial assessment hasn’t changed. No one actually knows where it originated. So far…

Some believe it’s a spin on a much earlier folktale “Why the Sun Chases the Moon”. But there’s no real factual evidence linking these two together. Mostly supposition and that doesn’t make the link clear. It makes it a theory based on opinion. Not good enough for me.

Whither it’s a claim that the story was inspired from the Bible, the Australian Aborigines, Indo-European Pagans, the Norse, the Mayans, various Native American Nations or any other variety of cultures, people want to be “the originators” of this grand phrase and subsequent story. It’s such a great line, everyone simply wants the quote to come from “their” cultural origin and their history.  Continue reading

We Are All InterConnected

How Wolves Change Rivers

As humans we know that Apex predators, such as ourselves, can adversely affect the world in which we live in. Over hunting, over fishing and destruction of our natural resources have put humankind on a stopwatch that counts down to our own extinction. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Have a look at this amazing video on The National Geographic website, showing how one species can have a massive cascading effect on the entire ecosystem in which it lives… and even alter the geography of the area. All for the betterment of the area and those in it.

How Wolves Change Rivers

How Wolves Change Rivers @ National Geographic

Human/wildlife conflict is a reality of growing populations around the world, and the fact is that we need to learn to live beside wildlife if we are to maintain our wonderful thriving ecosystems in the future. ~ National Geographic

© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Mother Nature’s Waters

snowwolfCollecting & Using Water For Rituals

Practitioners of pagan paths have long been associated with and connected to nature and all its elements. Using natures energy to empower workings and promote their connection to spirit, can be found on every continent throughout history.

When the world relied heavily on the swing of Nature’s spirit, rain and snow were honored components of every day life. Crops needed the right amount of rain to flourish. Winter needed the right amount of snow to maintain water supply. That hasn’t changed over the ages. But as societies became more urban, the focus on Nature’s energy and our connection to it has faded.

Today people notice the extremes of weather and pay little attention to its every day impacts. Unless you’re a farmer, or have your own garden in your backyard, you may not give the rain a second thought. But if you’re pagan and look for the energy in Nature’s movements through our world, you know it can be both an omen and a blessing. Continue reading

Writing Your Thesis Or Dissertation

How To Get Started And Organize

Writing Your Thesis or Dissertation

Academic Rewards

As a student of higher education, I’m often asked for help in writing a Master’s Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation. At the end of March I will be discussing this very topic with students of the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona. Being a blogger, getting my thoughts down on paper tends to lead to writing an article here on Reflections. So let me share what I’ve learned and what I tell my students who are facing these projects. 

Get Your Requirements:
One of the hardest things about starting a writing project is getting motivated when you don’t know where to start. Sometimes the best thing to do is simply put the steps into motion and get ready. Each University system has its own requirements for the format of your thesis or dissertation. Most provide a template or written instructions. So step one, find out what’s required for your institution.

With your instructions in hand, conduct a search online for completed and approved essays from others in your University system. Seeing how someone else “did it” can be a great example for what you need to do. Now I’m not saying plagiarize their work! All you’re doing is looking for how they formatted their essay and what they put in each required section as an example for what you will need to cover. Continue reading