Today’s Tarot Meditation Drawing: Ace of Pentacles – Inverted

Ace of Pentacles - Inverted

Mystic Faery Tarot by Linda Ravenscroft

Even if you turn the world upside down, you’re still not going to lose what you’ve already accomplished and acquired. Stop letting the fear weaken your resolve, or stagnating your progress! You have the strength to hold on and ability to nurture the seeds you’ve planted in your garden. It promises to be a bountiful harvest, but you must continue to build on what you’ve started. Keep your faith and it will cushion your journey forward.

Additional Insight:

There are many forces at work beneath the surface. Both within yourself and from the unseen spiritual forces around you. Each day you take another step toward taking responsibility and accountability, you are getting closer to the victory you seek.

The spiritual energy is in place and has built a strong framework to uphold you and your crown. Be patient and allow that energy to manifest into the physical foundation that will allow you to grow, expand and achieve your ultimate goals.

Stop allowing fear to enter the picture and weaken your resolve. You’ve been through harder times than this. And you’ve overcome those events and learned valuable lessons. You gained both knowledge and experience that confirms “I can do this”. So stop the self-doubts, stop the self-pity talk, stop allowing fear to rule your thoughts, judgements and decisions.

No one can put limits on your energy and capabilities; except you. Be content today and remind yourself that not only can you do this; but that you’ve been doing for others for the past 5 years. It’s your turn now! It’s your turn to use your work and effort for what’s in your heart and soul. Don’t wait for the perfect scenario that will never come. MAKE the perfect scenario and you will create the pathway forward. 

Fear puts a lid on things. Open the container and let your spirit soar! Reach for the stars, there’s plenty out there for everyone. You might as well reach out and take the one that’s meant for you! Allow your spirit to fly free and build the galaxy you want to live in!

You can order a personal reading from Spring through the Services at Spring’s Haven. We offer both in-house and email/phone/Skype consultations. As a Ministerial organization, all our consultations are private and strictly confidential. You can find the Mystic Faerie Tarot on Amazon.

© Springwolfs HankoSpringwolf Reflections 2014 Motto:
I am at peace and live in the moment with all the prosperity and abundance I require!

© 2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D. Springwolf Reflections / Springs Haven, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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